Hello there, curious traveler, and welcome to my personal website. I'm a 21 year old Computer Engineering student at the TU Braunschweig. I built this website from scratch,
mostly to use as a Blog, Portfolio, and really anything else that sounds useful or fun.
As for my name, you can simply call me Vincent for now.
And if you're interested in my technical abilities then feel free to navigate towards the portfolio page.
In my free time I enjoy working on IT projects, such as this very website. But I also like reading, playing video games, or being outside and enjoying nature while hiking or canoeing, for example.
I even managed backpacking through the swedish wilderness for a whole week without dying!
When I find enough free time, I might even end up writing a few blog entries from time to time. Although my studies are already keeping me plenty busy as it is.
If you wish to contact me, you can write me an Email or send me a message via Matrix.
I should usually manage to answer with a few hours if I'm not too busy.
While you're at it, you can also check me out on Github and see my horrible code for yourself.